Friday, September 6, 2013

Reply to “Libertarians are the New Communists”

 This is a reply to the following article which appeared on Bloomberg.

Radical libertarianism assumes that humans are wired only to be selfish, when in fact cooperation is the height of human evolution.

Libertarianism does not assume people are wired only to be selfish.  Libertarianism is simply the belief that the initial use of force is not permitted in society, including government officials.  If you want to be selfless in a libertarian society, you are free to do so.  So long as you act in a voluntary manner, you are acting within a libertarianism framework.  You can have completely selfless societies acting within a libertarian society such as a communist enclave or a group of monks.

“It assumes that societies are efficient mechanisms requiring no rules or enforcers, when, in fact, they are fragile ecosystems prone to collapse and easily overwhelmed by free-riders.” 

There are rules in a libertarian society.  The rules are imposed by the owners of private property.  If you don’t like the rule set by the owner, you are free not to engage that owner in voluntary exchange.  For example, the owner of a theater may have a rule that says no cell phones allowed.  If you don’t like that rule, you can choose not to visit that theater.  It is wrong to say libertarian societies have no rules.

Libertarian societies would be far stronger and less prone to collapse than the modern state.  Libertarian societies would allow individuals to follow the choice of life that each individual decides is best for him or herself.  The state imposes a lifestyle on people.  The state method based on violence is less flexible which makes it more fragile.  It also creates a state of hostility between the state and its victims as the more the state spies, steals, and abuses, the more anger is generated in the rest of the population which increases the chance of a violent overthrow of the existing order.

“And it is fanatically rigid in its insistence on a single solution to every problem: Roll back the state!

As I stated earlier, libertarian society do not insist on a single solution to every problem.  It allows people to find their own solutions to their problems.  It is the state that imposes a single solution such as saying drugs are wrong.  It used to be that religion was combined with the state, and the state would impose a single religion, similar to how the state currently imposes a single solution in other areas.  When religion was separated from government, a reason for violence and hostility in society was removed because people didn’t have to worry about a government imposing some other religion and they became free to practice whatever religion they wanted.  Libertarianism takes this idea of removing church from state to all principles, such as abortion and gay marriage.  So people would be free to live how they want in all ways, not just in religion, so long as they do not engage in violence on another person.

“Communism failed in three strikingly similar ways. It believed that humans should be willing cogs serving the proletariat. It assumed that societies could be run top-down like machines. And it, too, was fanatically rigid in its insistence on an all-encompassing ideology, leading to totalitarianism.

Libertarianism is not similar to these three principles in any way.  Libertarianism does not see people as cogs in a machine.  It assumes that people run their own lives, and their lives are not run by other people.  And Libertarian ideology would result in the opposite of totalitarianism.

“wealthy could exponentially compound their advantage, as the programs that sustain a prosperous middle class are gutted.

The wealthy use the government to compound their advantage.  The government, including the Federal Reserve, subsidize and cartelize the banking industry.  The government inflates the money supply which helps the rich and hurts the poor.  And the wealthy rely on government regulations to stifle competition which hurts the poor and middle class.

“A Koch domestic policy would obliterate environmental standards for clean air and water, so that polluters could externalize all their costs onto other people.

In a libertarian society, pollution would be a form of violence on other people’s private property and the victims of pollution would be able to sue the polluters to stop them.

“It is in failed states such as Somalia that libertarianism finds its fullest actual expression.

Somalia failed under a communist regime which ruled until 1991.  Since the communist government collapsed, the quality of life in Somalia has improved.

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